Friday, October 06, 2006

Ain't He Cute Dept.

If my daughter hadn't persisted in her search for me for 13 years, I would not be enjoying the wonders of great-grandmotherhood. Jantzen, age 4, Austin, Age 4 and Dejah, age 3, are not only are the cutest little ones in the world, they are my view of my family's heritage reaching out to the future. They will be around after I am gone and there will be something of my kith and kin to carry on. It's wonderful and humbling.

Now, to the great-granny's cute kid moment of the month: Austin is learning to say grace at the private pre-school he attends. I was just honored to hear his version of a classic and it goes like this..."God is great, God is good, please God let me eat my food. By His hands we all are fed, give us all some jelly bread. Amen"

And Amen and Thank You, Sweetie. That was one of life's great moments, there.


  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Robin, I am so glad that your
    great-grandchildren know you and
    have you to hold in their hearts
    in the future.

  2. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Ahhh way too cute! Such a blessing.


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