Monday, October 04, 2010

"Them That Has, Gets"

I just love it when something happens to show just how big a farce a supposed representational government can be. I think of ours when I realize that it is the rich and the elite that get the representation and the average citizen or the oppressed pretty much have to fight for themselves. Well, the good voters of Sao Paulo, Brazil pulled one off that is making international news. They elected a genuine clown to congress!. Not only is Tiririca (meaning "Grumpy") a real clown, but he is also rumored to be illiterate. Let's see how common sense measures up to the ideas of the educated elite. And ya gotta love the hat, the smile and the tee shirt.

Tiririca ran on such slogans as "It can't get any worse," and "What does congress do? I don't know, but elect me and I'll tell you." Hey, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert! If this guy can do it, so can you.

We have been decrying the fact that, from Illinois to New Jersey, OBC access bills are being introduced and voted on that are filled with Catch-22's and facetious, invasive, unfair requirements and contact vetoes. It would be so simple to just open the records, make the original birth certificates available (and the amended birth certificates available to natural mothers) and let every one involved deal with it in their own way. But nooooo. This is when Rep.Special Interests steps in and lets us know that the adopted person is still a child, the natural mother is fragile and demented, sure to run to the noose or sleeping pills if she hears from her adult child, and the only people worth protecting in this whole mish-mash are the adopters and the facilitators.

Maybe we should elect Smiling Bob and give every one a supply of Enzyte(tm). I have noticed that, with all the smiling, there is nary a child to be seen. He and Mrs. Smiling Bob are too busy having great sex to be bothered with adopting or bearing children. Something tells me, when looking at the two of them, that they are doing any unborn or adoptable children a biiiiig favor.

It is no secret that special interests and the bottom line grease, not only the wheels of commerce in the US, but also the palms of our elected representatives. While engaging in their own perversions and peccadilloes, they decry the incidence of unwed motherhood as if it is something of which to be ashamed. This way, they get the votes of the churched folks (do you ever wonder how a priest can justify pedophilia while objecting to abortion...?)  who are way more interested in who's doing what with which body part to whom than they are interested in ministering to the poor, the sick, the imprisoned and the troubled. The mentally ill have been turned out on the streets, unmedicated, unsupervised and have become a police problem when they should be the responsibility of a compassionate society. Yet these Scriptural Legalists want to call the US a "Christian Nation." Yeah. Right.

If single mothers and adoptees were the industrial and financial giants, the attorneys who profit or the ones who paid the Industry, you can be damn skippy assured the records would have opened long before now. In fact, there probably would be no adoption at all because mothers would be respected. As my grandmother used to say, "Them that has, gets."

For all the good our votes do, we still have that small bit of power. And it is noted that the 'Restoring Honor" rally, in response to the tea-baggers and Beckophiles drew a larger crowd that Beck did. Why isn't the media making more of a note of that? Hmmmmmm? Them that has, gets.

There are so many good issues getting short shrift out there that ours, justice and openness for mothers and adoptees, is just one in the crowd. We could all try to open our minds....nah, that won't work, especially in Utah. What about seceding from the Union and forming our own country? We could have a purple house rather than a white house, and we would deny citizenship to anyone who wants to let Big Business run things.
The cast of SNL could sit on our supreme court and, unless any candidate could tell a good joke, she wouldn't get elected. Well, I can dream, can't I?

If it sounds like I am totally fed up with the system, the machinations of the Industry and its toadies and the self-entitlement of the self-ordained elite in this country, you are spot on. I am wondering now, about the cost of living in Sao Paulo.

Any place that would elect a real clown to office has got to be interesting, at the very least.


  1. Can I nominate you for President? Excellent post, Friend. Loved reading this!

    Interesting to see what will happen in Brazil, now. As he said there, it can't get worse.

    As to the lack of press for the demonstration in DC, I think that the Dems need a rock star. If the Reps have Sarah Palin, surely there is an equally photogenic, mammarily-augmented, bubble-headed, nincompoop with an accent we can run for VP thereby increasing her 15 minutes into infinity as they did with LaPalin!

  2. Yes - Elect John Stewart. How about we all just agree to write him in if he won't run? Maybe that's how Brazil did it?

    And this...
    "Maybe we should elect Smiling Bob and give every one a supply of Enzyte(tm). I have noticed that, with all the smiling, there is nary a child to be seen. He and Mrs. Smiling Bob are too busy having great sex to be bothered with adopting or bearing children. Something tells me, when looking at the two of them, that they are doing any unborn or adoptable children a biiiiig favor."

    I LOVE IT!!! Great great post!


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