Friday, June 17, 2011

Rights: Deleted

I get so frustrated with the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and even Planned Parenthood (PP). All are supposedly committed to the protection of an oppressed gender, including reproductive rights and the upholding of the rights of the minorities. And they are producing major suckage at both.

NOW is top-heavy with adopters and they won't even consider the violation of the reproductive rights of the BSE/EMS mother as a valid issue. The ACLU is so intent on covering the hides of some mysterious beemommies hiding under rocks, somewhere, that they are campaigning against the rights of another minority, the BSE adoptee whose records and identity are closed to them. What is wrong with this picture?

This is all so ass-backwards that I have to wonder what they have been smoking. You would think that millions of young women, coerced into the loss of their infants would definitely be a woman's issue. Mais Non! NOW and PP is protecting the "rights" of young women to "choose adoption." Is that on a "whether we really want to or not, fully-uninformed" basis, PP and NOW?

There is an entire industry that is laughing at these people all the way to the bank. "Hey Fat!" "What is it, Cat?" "These breeders can't even get their own gender to take up for them! Har Har Har!" Yuck it up, boys. We're still here and still talking.

As for the ACLU, they are NOT protecting me from anything. What about the rights of adoptees to know their true beginnings, to be able to get a passport and other documents that most of us can get with no problem? What about the rights of a group of people that this entire, benighted nation treats like eternal children? They are too busy protecting a tiny group of cowards who have the right to say "no." I wonder if that is because there are so many attorneys in the ACLU?

Or are they really protecting anyone? How far into these organizations has the Industry been able to reach? Who is greasing whose palms? What ancient book of social psychology are they being fed as the ultimate word on the subject? And why, why don't they ask us? Mothers and adoptees are definitely more qualified to speak to what is needed than a bunch of lawyers and adopters. OUR experience is important too.

Justice NEEDS to take a look. We refuse to remain forever non-mothers and our children refuse to remain forever infants. It is almost a hoot that the very groups that are supposed to see to our rights are among the most active in attempting to deny them. It's sort of like the idealistic social worker of the mid-20th century who thought they were doing something noble when they "created families" by destroying one. This nation has taken so many wrong turns in the past century that we are running in circles.
Mothers and adopted adults are so sick of the curb, the underside of the bus, the well of secrets and the "who cares?" attitude toward our issues of our governing bodies. I, for one, am tired of dirty bills, riders, 60+ page proposed legislations that give to some and not to others and others trying to speak for us who have no right to do you hear that, Mr. Pertman, Mr. Johnson (or "Chuckie" as we like to call him) ? Who decided that we did not have the ability to speak for ourselves? Do you, like many adopters and facilitators, still persist in seeing the Natural Mother as unwashed, semi-literate trash and our children as still in diapers? Guess again, fella!

Until the powers-that-be stop listening to self-appointed "experts" with special interests in keeping the Industry going and start listening to the real experts who have lived this unique cluster f*** of secrets, lies, grief and loss, I fear we are going to keep moving at a snail's pace. Not cool..not cool at all.

Warning...many of us have dealt with our issues and all that is left behind is the righteous indignation of the injustice done. I invite Lady Justice to take a peek.


Real Daughter said...

You are correct about NOW. Maybe I could get them to support my right to my OBC if I became a lesbian adopter?

maryanne said...

All of these organizations, except Planned Parenthood which actually does some good in providing medical services to poor women, operate from a theoretical upper middle class to upper class academic world view. In their world, mothers who surrender do not exist except as another servant class too dumb to know what is good for them. So they will "protect" us while using us.

Some of the feminist movement is a younger generation of the same wonderful women who brought us prohibition, to take the curse of drink from the lower classes, while the rich swilled in speakeasies as if the law never existed.

They can't see us because we are irrelevant to them and their academic theories, and because a lot of them are adoptive mothers who like the status quo just fine. In their case I don't think the adoption industry has as much to do with it as their own sense of entitlement to anything they want, when they want it, babies included.

Susie said...

Great post Robin. What a sad but true statement about our society this post is.

Linda ~ thanks yet again for the laugh!

Unknown said...

Sadly, I have to agree with every single line you all wrote. I think this is a perfect example of "if its to be, its up to me"... collective we, of course. It is clear that mothers will get NO support from these organizations and has been for decades. I think Maryanne pegged it.

Anonymous said...

"NOW and PP is protecting the "rights" of young women to "choose adoption." they claim. But we know what they are really protecting - the non-existant "right" of old rich women to harvest babies from the fertile class which includes the young, the poor, and the unempowered. Nice work ladies of NOW and other phony women's groups, you have exposed your true colors.

Anonymous said...

Straight, lesbian, whatever, we all have to find a way to get some dude's spunk in our junk if we want to get knocked up. That should put us all on the same side of mother's and children's rights, should it not?

Ooops, silly me, some mothers are better than others, as evidenced by fake women's rights groups who refuse to stand up for natural mothers and adoptees. Shame on them.

Anonymous said...

I have agreed with this thinking for many years. I got chewed out by a couple of mothers and adoptees for having this philosophy. They don't protect anyone.

Now protects women who are adopters but they don't protect the poor mother fighting to keep her children.

maryanne said...

Here is something I came across on another blog, a proposed feminist book seeking submissions from every sort of "mother" except, well, you know....

be sure to read the comments.

Anonymous said...

Here, here, Robin. NOW, especially, has chosen to protect the rights of only some women...

Chris said...

One huge thank you from me. Your comment was absolutely spot-on!!

Robin said...

I agree with you, Maryanne, about the sense of entitlement. But I also know that the Industry panders to that sense and encourages it. It's demand and supply and you have to keep the demand hot and heavy if you are able to slip under the radar in your methods to fill the supply. If PP were to give the same encouragement to the rights of young, unmarried women to keep and raise their babies as they do to their right to "choose" adoption, I'd look more kindly in that direction.