And that's what this is, you know. My blog, my Face Book page are my territories. When someone posts comments on either it is the same as someone coming into my house and talking. No one with any real breeding and sense of decency would ever go into anyone's home, especially the home of someone they don't know, and forcefully and even viciously challenge the home owner's beliefs, values and standards and opinions.
Now I was raised in the south for most of my growing up years, and lived in SC until 1996. Well bred, intelligent southerners put a lot of stock in good manners. It was a shock for me to learn that others didn't see civility and respect as we did...something important. And on the Internet?? The anonymity of the 'net seems to let people think they can say whatever they want to whomever they please, stir up any kind of trouble they can and get away with it.
This is why I have monitored comments. I have no desire to see MY blog, expressing MY opinions and MY beliefs being turned into a forum for flame wars. I have no need, here in my home, to be "fair and balanced" nor am I open to those who wish to change my attitude about adoption with near evangelical zeal. If I won't let Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses into my home, why should I let your argumentative, pro-adoption posts be published on my blog?
There are some who have the opinion that it is good to have debate and they do allow it, to an extent, on their blogs. Good for them. To each their own. But this is my soap box. This is not subjective journalism, here, but objective editorializing.
Recently, I have been sandbagged by a number of posters, most of them anonymous, who pop up every now and then and try to get my goat. Well, Nanny's in the back yard, cropping grass, waiting to be milked and you can't have her.
The insults that follow comments being deleted are hysterically funny in many cases. You can tell that these pro-A's taking umbrage at my opinions don't know me at all. One accused me of having a Sarah Palin bumper sticker. I laughed so hard I started coughing. Anonymous, Honey, I am so left-winged and so anti-Tea Party and Faux News and the GOP that my husband, a moderate, never discusses politics with me. I read that to him and we chortled most of the afternoon.
So, to make it clear, Motherhood Deleted is my house and I don't allow my beliefs and values and standards to be challenged in my house. You want to air another side of the issue? Write your own blog and leave mine alone. I don't frequent the blogs of pro-adoptionists and so you won't have to worry about me doing the hit and run, anonymous thing.
If you want a fight, go to Craigslist and their adoption section. Someone is always raking someone else over the coals over there.
Oh, and don't think we aren't being taken seriously, us Mothers from the BSE. We are.
OMG!Don't send these trolls to CL!! I am the one that keeps getting raked over the coals!! LOL!
LOL...sorry, Sandy, but from the tenor of these posts, I think they might already be there. LOL
That's possible. They have been visiting my blog and yours is linked.
so sorry to here about what happens to you. You're right this your blog and people should respect that...
Thanks, Elle. The one who has been calling me evil is really out to try to draw blood. Too bad neither the blade nor the mind is sharp enough. *whistles
@Sandy, I'll see you one scumbag and raise you one heart of coal. ROTFL
Thank you for letting me into your home and sharing your thoughts. I'm here in the Gen-X neighborhood of "Firstmom Town" if you ever want to stop by for some coffee or sweet tea.
..."No one with any real breeding and sense of decency would ever go into anyone's home, especially the home of someone they don't know, and forcefully and even viciously challenge the home owner's beliefs, values and standards and opinions."
You've just described my MIL & my son's adoptive mother..lmao
I like what you had to say about the places you mentioned being your territories. May I link this post? I have written a similar post after previously mentioned a-rent started sending people over to my blog from her church/circle of friends and commenting. But your words seem to put it so eloquently...
Thank you, etropic. You can link if you like. No prob.
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