It is getting to the point where some of the comments I have received are going past the line of weird and into the realm of hilarious. I actively blog against the institution of adoption, and especially, the crimes against Senior Mothers from the *BSE and I am now receiving ominous, anonymous warnings against what someone perceives to be my "hate" postings. I have read many a blog on this big old Internet, and, when it comes to being "hateful," I am small taters, folks. Hey, go to some of the angry adoptee or adopter sites and read about us. Now THAT's hate!
I also get a put-down, now and then, by some self-appointed mental giant who states that, if I don't publish comments that are in opposition to my viewpoint, that I won't be taken seriously. Well, gee, that IS a worry, but I think I'll take my chances. I have stated, many times, and will state again, that it is not my responsibility to provide a debate forum on the rights or wrongs of adoption. Some people are "fer it,"....I'm "agin it." That's my right and the right of all the other mothers and adopted people who think like I do.
I find it confusing that speaking frankly and honestly can be seen as "hateful," yet labeling Mothers with the "b" word and pre-judging an expectant mother as probably a future abuser and neglecter isn't seen as intolerant and just plain wrong. There are blogs on the Internet where "good Christians" spew hatred towards gays, Muslims, Democrats and, yes, single mothers. I am not too worried that the blog police are going to be coming after me for being opinionated.
The thought police seem to be having a problem. Some people have wandered away from the PC view that adoption is soooo sweet, warm, fuzzy and just wunnnerful and have started seeing the damage done to the mothers and the children. Foreign governments are starting to notice that some less-than-savory characters are marketing the infants and toddlers of their country. It is also being noticed that those who adopt are as likely to divorce, become alcoholic or addicted, molest, abuse and even murder as anyone else. Agencies, here and there, in our own country are having licenses yanked and probationary measures taken against them.
In spite of the big guns behind the AAC and the NCFA, word is getting out about how mothers are being taken in by adoption propaganda and how "open" adoption is worth about the same as a $3 bill. The suicide of one mother who fell for the "open adoption" carrot that was dangled in front of her nose should have made everyone a little bit wary of the fact that, in most states, an "open" adoption can be slammed shut by the adopters and there is absolutely no recourse for the mother. It is also being noted that the patriarchal system is still trying to denigrate a woman who would dare to parent without a man at her side. The last I heard, it is OK to be in favor of the rights of women. It is a man that has suggested the re-opening of those horrific maternity prisons.
This nation, with all its Puritanical arrogance, perpetrated a crime against millions of young women during the era between the end of WWII and Roe v Wade. Unlike the stories about area 51, there has been a goodly amount of printed proof gathered to back this up and it WILL embarrass a lot of people. If you'd like to read some really good and valid information about the BSE, click * here and get your eyes opened, big time.
We Senior Mothers are getting on in years and, as we get older, we tend to say what is on our mind without worrying if it is tea-party-correct. I don't hate adopters. BUT I do hate the act of adopting and the entitled mindset that goes along with it. I also hate intolerance, genocide, child abuse and war.
I guess that makes me hateful. Whaddya think?