Same stuff, different day. Atwood resigned from the NCFA per this press release. There are many that are happy about this because of Johnson's (Atwood's temporary replacrement) attitude toward open records for adult adoptees. But we Senior Moms are sure that this won't stop any of the coercive practices that take advantage of the vulnerable mother-to-be or that recognize the mother's right to control her end of the information exchange and yes, I do mean not giving adopters access to our records and no mandatory personal information required. Just read the portion of the press release that I have high-lighted in red. Then you will know why I can help hatin' dat man.
The one person that is forgotten in all the hoopla and hullabaloo of what might change is the mother. What about HER civil rights that have already been breached? If the NCFA were to have a leader that would come out in opposition to the many state laws that give the mother no time to rescind, no independent counsel and no way to fight when these "open" adoptions slam shut in her face, then we might join in and celebrate.
What this nation needs is a National Council For Family Preservation (NCFFP) that would do all in its power to keep mother and child together. Well, right now, as it is said, "money talks and bullshit walks." The industry holds the money reins in iron fists, and the mythology is firmly embedded in the American psyche.
This post if for informational purposes only. Personally, I hope that Atwood, on the way out, and Johnson, on the way in, slip on the same banana peel and break their respective hips.
Thomas C. Atwood Resigns from the National Council For Adoption
Alexandria, VA – The Board of Directors of the National Council For Adoption (NCFA) today announced that Thomas C. Atwood has resigned as president and chief executive officer to pursue other professional opportunities. After serving as vice president for policy and research, Atwood took over NCFA’s reins in October 2002 and spearheaded the nonprofit’s growth into a leading adoption research, education, and advocacy organization, as well as an international authority on adoption issues.
“The board is grateful to Tom for his leadership and accomplishments while at NCFA, particularly in the areas of government and media relations, research, and policy development,” said Stan Swim, chairman of the board. “He has always been a strong advocate for adoption and child welfare, and was instrumental in securing passage of the recent landmark adoption and foster care bill. We wish him well in his future endeavors.”
Among Atwood’s numerous accomplishments during his six years as president were the publication of Adoption Factbook IV, NCFA’s comprehensive and authoritative reference on adoption policy and practice, and the Adoption Advocate, a series of policy briefs on adoption. Atwood testified before Congress (five times) and before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Recent citations include USA Today, the Associated Press, and the Washington Post among hundreds of other citations in national and international media. Under his leadership, NCFA launched three web-based public information programs, developed the Infant Adoption Revival Project and Families For All Project to help children in foster care, and advanced a global culture of adoption through international advocacy in nine countries. He also co-authored with Jayne Schooler The Whole Life Adoption Book (in its third printing).
“It has been a privilege for me to lead the NCFA team during these six years of growth and accomplishment,” said Atwood. “I look forward to a bright future for NCFA as it continues its important work.” Chuck Johnson, chief operating officer and vice president of training and agency services, will assume management responsibilities. “The board will be looking for a dynamic leader with great management and administration skills and the vision to take NCFA to the next level as the nation’s leading adoption and child welfare advocate and authority,” Swim said.
1 comment:
It will be interesting to watch to see what comes from this change. We will need to remain vigilant to insure that we are not used once again. Thanks for the alert, Robin.
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