I don't think I have had my sensibilities more offended than just this past week when I ran across a group on
Facebook called...now get this...."
BirthMom Buds." Headed up by an educated but still vapid Barbie clone who calls herself the "Queen BM," this group shills for adoption in the name of anti-choice and
ud. Now, I have seen some awesome floaters in the toilet bowl, but I had no idea they had a hierarchy, much less a queen. Is excrement like ants or bees? Let me also note that a companion site carries a very obvious and saccharine ad for Adoption Agency (baby-market) services.
Not only that, Queenie has a hard-on for Ron (GAG)Paul and disrespects our current Chief Executive in his name. I wonder if she would like to bear Ron Paul's love child? All in all, this chick is a Texas Bush-Baby
with only one wing and it's on her right side. Rush, Newt, Glen, Dubya and Sara and the gang must be so proud.
With the professed purpose of helping young mothers who have surrendered to cope with their grief, using such profound wisdom as, "it's okay to cry," the site reveals itself as another one of those agency/church shills. And golly, gee! It tells these poor cattle..er, women, that they are heroines who "gave the gift of life and also gave the gift of parenthood to a poor, childless couple." Aren't we generous, though? This kind of counseling is nothing more than keeping an industry-induced and church-approved fantasy alive in the psyches of these poor moms and offers platitudes and proselytizing to ease the pain. Good luck with that. These things are, at best, temporary placebos.
In the old stockyards, there was always one cow, goat, pig or whatever animal was slated for *chuckle* humane execution that would lead the others into the chute. The fact that this amiable creature was betraying others of its kind was evidenced by the title of "Judas Goat." Same thing here..led by the blond, Bible-toting/Kierkegaard-quoting cheerleader, they line up to get their dose of "what a wonderful mother you are by doing this" sledgehammer in the back of the head.
Of course, it will probably be a few years before they realize that they have been slaughtered. Some will come to that realization when the Wonderful Adopters they Chose slam the door shut on that open adoption agreement which isn't worth, in most states, the paper on which it is printed. Others will watch their child grow up, calling another woman "Mother" and the pain will surface like
Moby Dick coming after Ahab. At that time, every platitude and trite adage they have been fed by their
beemommie buds will be ashes and dust against the real grief. Others will be snapped into reality by the hostility of their adult child wanting to know why they were not worth keeping.
But hey, you've got all these morality mavens using a literal Bully Pulpit and telling you that
ud is on your side and
ss approves and you will earn stars in your crown. Y
ou'll hang on to that junk for a good while, like a drowning person holds on to the idea of rescue. The smarter you are, the longer you will be in denial because you can con yourself and make it all sound rational. I was there for over 30 years. But I finally realized that there is nothing rational or natural in separating a mother from her child. And, knowing my scripture, I figured out that neither the Almighty not Jesus ever said or did anything advocating infant adoption. Oh the
fundies twist and text-proof and "interpret" but they can't really back it up using the Bible.
"But I wasn't ready!" you protest, to which I have a response and a question. Response: No matter how well planned a pregnancy might be, no one is ever, really ready. This is something that is in your body, soul and hormones and you do what all natural parents do..respond to your instincts and learn as you go. Question: If you weren't ready, then why didn't you use that to which we Senior Moms had no access, a little something called birth control? It's out there and all you need is to take the time for a short trip to your local department of public health.
The "I wasn't ready to be a mom" argument also brings up another thought. What do you think your body was doing for you for those nine months? Anyone?
Riiiight...it was getting you READY. Now that's a miracle for all to see. Back before birth control, mothers just accepted their babies as they came and really didn't think about whether they were ready or not. Now, I see adoption used the same way it is preached that abortion is used..as after-the-fact birth control for convenience's sake and so some can save face by saying "at least I didn't abort." That and a dollar will get you through one of the toll booths on the highway.
To address the situation where rape or date rape is a factor; Guess what? Me too! My second child was conceived in violence but gestated and delivered with love. I should not have had to lose him, either. I had already lost my first child, conceived in love (I thought) and it was no less painful to lose my son than it was to lose my daughter. But I had no choice. You younger moms do, for Pete's Sake! You have resources and support that either did not exist for us or remained hidden from us. If we were given "do-
over's" in life, believe me I would be checking out the options that would allow me to
keep my babies. Of course, I didn't know
bupkus back then and trusted the adults in my life a little too much.
Finally, the idea that you
BMB's are preventing abortions is ludicrous. Those who do not want to be pregnant will abort and you will never see their faces. The so-called alternative to abortion is NOT adoption. The two do not go together. The alternative to adoption is keeping and raising one's own child and is to be preferred. But when one's head is full of the slick PR of the agencies and industry and the emotional drug of religious fervor, logic and what is right and natural seem to be left in a pink fog of that "Gee Whiz" factor. Sooner or later, that fog dissipates.
All the Judas Goat got was a reprieve from slaughter. I wonder what the Queen BM Judas Goat gets per head per pregnant woman?